How to create a training and development culture to retain people
Do you feel like it's challenging to find enough time for training and development? Do you worry about the talent pipeline in your company and how this will impact your business in the future? You're not alone. In fact, according to a recent study by the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM), HR professionals say that training and development is their second-highest priority--and they're struggling to keep up with demand. This blog post will show you some best practices on creating a culture of continuous learning within your organization so that everyone can stay sharp and productive.
Unified Training System
In order to inspect what you expect, you have to train your employees to become unified by ensuring that they are all trained on how everything works. If there isn't an established training system, then everyone will have different skillsets, which make holding others accountable difficult at best if not impossible!
Clear Roadmap to Growth
You should tell your employees what their next step or goal is so they can work towards that. Then, once that step is mastered (and perhaps provides financial incentives), move on to the next one! This process will show them something significant with goals worth achieving and learning more about while providing workers with a reward for successes along this journey.
Just telling your employees ahead of time gives them motivation from the start of the journey!
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”
Effective Leadership Development
We often find that people on a team have already shown their willingness and ability to exceed expectations. Don't waste talent because there isn’t a plan for them in your company; they don't want to feel stuck at work! We have an obligation to pour into our leaders by showing them how best to lead others. The goal of each leader should be about bringing out the best from their team members so that turnover won't happen as frequently among staff members - which will ultimately save you money by decreasing training costs associated with new hires.
A good manager knows they must empower those under them while also teaching strong leadership skills through examples.
“The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders, and continually develops them.”
This blog is about the importance of training and development for your team. As we mentioned, this process must happen consistently – something that can be difficult to do when you have a lot on your plate as an HR professional. We hope this post has given you some ideas and inspiration for improving upon these areas in your organization. If you want more help creating a training plan or developing leadership skills within your team, let us know! We offer Strategy Sessions to discuss what challenges are holding back growth at your company and provide solutions, so you don't miss out on opportunities because of lackluster talent-management practices. What's one portion of your current training process you can improve upon today?