Freight Dispatch Services
Truck Dispatching
The best pay rate for every job
No forced dispatch and hidden payments
24-hour dedicated dispatcher support
Weekend support if you are on a load
You pick the areas you want to service
Dispatch fee is a flat 7% of gross. First Load is FREE!
Document Management
Carrier Agreements
Broker setups
Rate confirmations
Maintains accurate records of all dispatch activities
Management of any trucking documents
Factoring & Invoicing
Flexible payment options:
We accept Paypal, Zelle, and Factoring company
Work with the factoring company to make sure the freight broker is approved before moving the load
Additional Services
Bookkeeping Service
HR Consulting
Recruiting Service
Other HR Services
How Does Our Dispatching Service Work?
You tell us what states and when you want to run.
We inform you of your options.
You choose the load.
We will book it and send you the rate confirmation.
Shipper loads freight on your truck.
We provide you with complete routing.
You deliver the load.
Take a good photo of signed proof of delivery and send it to us.
We do your paperwork, and you focus on driving.
You get paid.