Top 3 ways to maintain an engaged team
Team engagement may be the greatest way to set your business apart from the rest and retain the best talent for the job. This blog will touch on a few ways to make your employees believe in your company and your brand. The benefits are endless; by creating self-motivation within your employees, assuring that all employees understand the overall goal, and know-how they contribute to that goal, your employees will feel more connected amongst your organization.
“To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.”
Recognition Ideas
There’s nothing better than recognizing your hardworking employees for all they do to support your company. Providing incentives and perks such as donuts and juice in the morning or lunch for jam-packed days will show that you understand the time they invest in the company and that they’re not taken for granted. Unfortunately, many business owners might think paying employees well enough or providing generous benefits means you’ve done everything possible for them, but why not go above and beyond to ensure your employees feel appreciated?
Other ways to recognize employees are through verbal recognition or tangible items. Some people feel most encouraged through words of affirmation, while others appreciate physical items and mementos that they can display in their homes and show to their families to help them feel proud of their work accomplishments.
Good Leadership
Another way to assist with team engagement is by ensuring the right person is in the right role within your company. We’ve all worked for or with someone who had a certain leadership title but did not live up to that position. Leaders should be easy to speak to with any needs or issues and know how to manage the performance of employees. If your leaders aren’t approachable, you may experience high employee turnover with little to no understanding of the reason for their resignation. Combat this unnecessary fallout by ensuring that the leaders in your company have been trained to fulfill the needs of their role. Then employees will trust your company’s decisions and they feel comfortable within the workplace.
“Research indicates that workers have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company.”
Common Purpose
By disclosing the goals and metrics your company has set for the year, employees understand the assignment and the direction the company is heading. Most people are motivated by dates, numbers, and goals! Most companies often hide this information from their employees, but why not let them know the goals? Providing this information to your team will give them a sense of urgency; accompanying that with incentives and a great leadership team, you cannot go wrong!
It’s easy to get stuck in the routine of work, work, and more work. Take a second to stop and appreciate your work and the work of your employees. This will increase your team engagement and make your company an amazing experience day-in and out. Provide incentives, train your leaders and provide purpose to your team constantly so your company stands out amongst the rest. If you need any assistance with providing this to your company, feel free to reach out to Talk to Me Consulting today. We would love to strategize with you and engage your team!